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    Self-Publishing: A Dream Come True With Custom Printing

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    Emma Davis

    Content writer

    Jul 27, 20241768 views

    Jul 27, 20241768 views

    Self-Publishing: A Dream Come True With Custom Printing


      Writers around the world dream of signing a book deal and make a living as a published author. Becoming the next J.K. Rowling and read your name on best sellers lists are common goals of the DIY era. The problem is, those are extraordinary cases, most writers have to resort to other creative book publishing methods. Self-publishing dreams are not exclusive to literature, they also apply to magazines and business publications.

      booklet printing

      Professional printing provides different formats to fulfill those self-publishing dreams. Book printing, for example, allows full creative control on design, length, color and printing finish. The most important thing is to create a quality product and use your available resources to distribute it. Publishing houses have experienced staff to oversee the process, self-publishers need to do this by themselves. These are the main steps to comply with when publishing your own book:

      1. Content Review

      Good content is a guarantee to captive readers. Before ordering book printing, it is essential to review it. Not only for grammar mistakes, but to make sure others get the message you are trying to convey. Having others proof read the book is the first review you’ll get. It’ll give you the opportunity to make changes before printing a definitive copy.

      2. Design and publish

      Layout is important to make book reading as friendly as possible. Websites like and offer formatting software, custom printing and even promoting services -with some downsides. No custom back cover or inside jacket are some of them. If you are confident with your book design, custom print is also a great option. Ideal for customers who already have editing services of their own. All professional printers require is a supported file for the chosen format. There are several book binding options available, from the simplest to the most luxurious material. Whether using a self-publishing website or fully customizing a book by yourself, it's a decision that depends on the kind of services you need. If your book already has a good design and it’s ready to be printed, all you have to do is contact a professional printing company and customize your project. You can make all decisions about paper quality, sizing and binding options.

      Custom Printing

      Creative Control

      Moderate Creative Control Several templates available. Additional charges apply for further book editing services. The website partners with to give you image access

      Moderate Creative Control. User friendly software for design suggestions. Option to hire professionals

      Full Creative Control. No template or design limitations. File can be designed using any software as long as it is a supported printing format

      Printing Quality

      No print minimums, discount after 15 copies. Different sizes and quality options available

      5 printing categories with different sizing options. Custom paper and color options

      Color and paper options as selected by the customer. Spiral, wire-o, plastic or luxury binding


      Limit to website editing and printing options

      Limit to website editing and printing options

      No previous content review



      Editing services are paid for


      The design software offers many design DIY options

      $ - $$$

      Depends on your product selection, but can be very budget-friendly

      3. Distribute

      Use your immediate network as a distribution platform. Word of mouth remains one of the most trusted methods of advertising. Take advantage of all available social media to promote your book. Post a sample chapter as a teaser or record a reading and post it on YouTube. Local distribution is also a way to get the word around. It is also an opportunity to get sponsors from your community. Modern day technology makes self-publishing dreams possible. The key is to use the available tools in your favor and consecrate yourself as a legitimate writer. Start browsing our website for perfect book binding and booklet printing options to get your book out there. Who knows? You might be the next literary sensation. Let us know what you think and comment below.

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